

阿里巴巴换帅 张勇接替陆兆禧任CEO“外围买球app十大排名榜推荐”

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阿里巴巴换帅 张勇接替陆兆禧任CEO“外围买球app十大排名榜推荐”

2024-10-07 06:22:01  点击量:152

本文摘要:Before Alibaba raised $25 billion in an initial public offering last year, its founder, Jack Ma, said he did not care much about share prices.阿里巴巴去年通过首次公开发表IPO(IPO)筹措了250亿美元(约合1550亿元人民币)。

Before Alibaba raised $25 billion in an initial public offering last year, its founder, Jack Ma, said he did not care much about share prices.阿里巴巴去年通过首次公开发表IPO(IPO)筹措了250亿美元(约合1550亿元人民币)。在那之前,其创始人马云(Jack Ma)曾回应,他不是很介意公司的股价。

On Thursday, Mr. Ma made it clear he was not too worried about shaking things up, either, replacing the company’s chief executive just days after airing concerns about efficiency.周四,马云替换了公司的首席执行官。此举向外界指出,他也不介意对公司的领导层展开重组。几天之前,马云刚对公司效率传达了忧虑。

In the surprise leadership change, Mr. Ma picked Daniel Zhang, who has been at Alibaba for eight years, to lead one of the world’s largest Internet companies. Mr. Ma, in a letter to employees, portrayed the replacement of the chief executive, Jonathan Lu, as a sort of changing of the guard.在这次车祸的领导层变动中,马云任命在阿里巴巴供职八年的张勇(Daniel Zhang)兼任公司的领导者。阿里巴巴是世界仅次于的互联网公司之一。

在致员工的信中,马云把更换现任CEO陆兆禧(Jonathan Lu)叙述为“过渡换班”。”Alibaba Group is ready to completely hand over management leadership to those of you who were born in the ’70s,” Mr. Ma wrote, adding that several other experienced Alibaba leaders would give up some day-to-day control to allow younger executives to rise.“阿里巴巴集团早已可以把领导权全面接管给70后,”马云写到。

他还说道,另外几名资深的阿里巴巴高管也将瓦解日常管理工作,从而让更加年长的管理人员茁壮。When Mr. Ma stepped aside from the chief executive role two years ago, he emphasized that he had grown too old to run a technology company. In his letter, he said the company’s recent efforts had helped a new generation shine. More than 95 percent of the management team was born in the ’70s and ’80s, he noted.两年前,在马云离任CEO的时候,他特别强调自己过于杨家了,不合适管理一家科技公司。他在最近的这封信中回应,公司近期的行动早已协助年轻一代脱颖而出。

他认为,公司管理层中70后和80后占到了95%以上。Mr. Zhang, who was born in 1972, has become well known among employees at Alibaba for his public speaking and charisma. Leading Alibaba’s investment call on Thursday, Mr. Zhang’s polished English underlined the divide between himself and Mr. Ma, who, though once an English teacher, speaks a more unorthodox, self-taught brand of the language. Within Alibaba, there is admiration for Mr. Zhang’s cosmopolitan management style, in part honed during stints early in his career at Arthur Andersen and PricewaterhouseCoopers.张勇出生于1972年,他凭借出众的公众演说能力和个人魅力,在阿里巴巴员工中有很高的声望。

周四,张勇主持人了阿里巴巴的投资电话会议,他高超的英语能力凸显了他与马云的区别。后者虽然曾是一名英语老师,但英语却不过于胜于,具有自学的风格。在阿里巴巴内部,不少人十分喜爱张勇国际化的管理风格,这在一定程度上要得益于他早期在安达信会计师事务所(Arthur Andersen)和普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)工作时获得的训练。

Mr. Lu, who is only a few years older than his replacement, is scheduled to step down as chief executive on Sunday, exactly two years after he took over from Mr. Ma. At the time of his ascent, he was portrayed as a utility player who would help the ballooning start-up manage its rapid growth. Mr. Lu will remain on the board.陆兆禧只比张勇大几岁,他离任CEO的时间以定在周日,正好是在他接任马云兼任该职位的两年之后。调任CEO时,他被叙述为一位多面手,将协助这家蒸蒸日上的创业公司管理较慢的发展。陆兆禧将之后在董事局供职。

To many Alibaba employees, Mr. Zhang, who led the rise of the company’s Tmall shopping site, is known as one of the most capable of the new generation of leaders.对于阿里巴巴的许多员工来说,率领公司的天猫商城取得巨大成功的张勇,是新一代高管中最有能力的人之一。Mr. Zhang will need all the youthful energy he can manage to steer an e-commerce goliath that employs more than 30,000 people across the globe. He will very likely move quickly to address company inefficiencies that Mr. Ma identified last week in a speech to employees in Beijing.要想要管理这家在全球雇用了3万人的电子商务巨头,张勇必需动用自己所有年长充沛的精力。

他很有可能将很快著手解决问题马云上周在北京对员工公开发表讲话时提及的效率不高的问题。During the speech, Mr. Ma said the company would strive not to have a net growth in employees over the coming year. Instead, he said, Alibaba will work to transfer employees between departments and use technology to smooth operations.马云在这次演说中说道,今年整个集团的员工总数会减少一个人。

他说道,阿里巴巴不会让员工在有所不同部门间调动,利用科技来提升运营效率。Alibaba’s shares fell in recent months as Alibaba became involved in a public spat with a Chinese regulator over fake items on its shopping sites. It also missed revenue targets last quarter.最近几个月,由于阿里巴巴与中国一家监管机构就其购物网站上假货问题再次发生了对立,阿里巴巴的股价下跌。

此外,它也没能超过上季度的营收目标。But on Thursday, the company’s stock rose after the news of the leadership shake-up and the release of the retailer’s earnings.然而周四,在宣告领导层变动的消息和盈利报告之后,阿里巴巴股价经常出现了下跌。In an earnings statement, Alibaba said that in the quarter that ended March 31, its net profit was $463 million, down 49 percent from the same period a year earlier and below analyst forecasts. Alibaba’s revenue rose to $2.8 billion, compared with a year earlier, roughly in line with the consensus analyst estimate.阿里巴巴在一份盈利报告中称之为,在3月31日完结的季度里,公司净利润为4.63亿美元,较去年同期上升了49%,高于分析师的预期。与去年同期相比,阿里巴巴的营收下降至28亿美元,基本上与分析师的广泛预期吻合。

Though analysts generally agree that Alibaba’s long-term growth potential still lives up to the hopes that surrounded its listing last year, many have become more cautious about how much the company can increase earnings in the coming months. One issue, they say, is that Alibaba makes less money from advertising on smartphones than it does on computers, yet more of its traffic comes via phones.尽管分析师们普遍认为阿里巴巴的长年快速增长潜力依然合乎去年上市时外界的希望,但对于未来几个月阿里巴巴的利润能减少多少,许多人的态度更加慎重。他们说道,一个问题是,阿里巴巴通过智能手机上广告取得的利润,多于电脑上广告的利润,然而该公司旗下服务的采访流量更加多来自手机。

Alibaba also reported a net profit of $1.2 billion using figures derived from nonstandard accounting rules, a rise of 16 percent from a year earlier. The figures leave out items like special payments to employees after its offering in September, and are meant to be a closer approximation of future profits.阿里巴巴还用源于非标准会计学规则的数据通报称之为,构建净利润12亿美元,同比增加16%。这些数据并未算入部分项目,如去年9月IPO后派发给员工的尤其款项,这样做到的目的是更加相似未来的利润预期。Since then, Alibaba’s e-commerce business has continued to add revenue. But it has struggled with the less straightforward business of keeping investors happy. Shares have steadily receded from a November peak of $119.15 toward the company’s listing price of $68. The shares closed Thursday at $86.自那时以来,阿里巴巴电商业务的营收之后减少。然而让投资者失望的任务却没那么非常简单,阿里巴巴做到得不那么好。


In part, Alibaba is suffering from the huge expectations of such a prominent and successful listing, experts say.专家称之为,因为上市倍受注目且十分顺利,随之而来的极大期望在一定程度上给阿里巴巴造成了影响。”The I.P.O. was clearly very fully priced; it was high but not unreasonable. But by the end of the first day of trading, a lot of the future upside was already priced into the stock,” said Bill Bishop, an independent technology investor and editor of the Sinocism China Newsletter.“IPO似乎十分完全地反映出有了其价值;当时的价格很高,但并非离谱。但到首个交易日完结时,未来不会经常出现的很多受到影响因素都早已体现在了股价中,”独立国家科技投资者、Sinocism中国新闻简报的编辑利明璋(Bill Bishop)说道。

For all the emphasis on the company’s share price, Alibaba’s leaders are unlikely to act like most executives, who may view their primary job as maximizing shareholder value. In his speech last week, Mr. Ma made it clear that he planned to stick to his long-held philosophy of putting shareholders behind the company’s customers and employees.尽管特别强调公司的股价,但阿里巴巴的领导层不太可能展现出得像许多高管那样,后者可能会指出自己的主要工作就是构建股东利益最大化。在上周的讲话中,马云具体回应,他想坚决自己长期以来的理念,即优先注目公司的客户和员工,之后才是股东。”We can’t make every analyst happy; we have to build the future,” he said. “If we were a traditional company, we would have to follow closely our stock price and what investors want. However we handle it, we would be exhausted. We need to think clearly about our first love, making it easier to do business across the world.”“我想要我们没办法符合每一个分析师对我们的希望,但是我们必需去建构未来,”他说道。

“如果我们像传统企业一样,去常常注目我们的股票,投资者想什么,我们做到什么,这个公司总有一天不会疲惫不堪,我们一定要想要确切当年的初心:让天下没难做的做生意。”Though Mr. Ma has stepped away from the day-to-day operations of Alibaba, his letter to employees and his recent speech show that he has a big hand in managing the strategic direction of the company.尽管马云早已瓦解了阿里巴巴的日常经营,但寄给员工的信及最近的讲话指出,他在管理该公司的战略方向上,起着最重要起到。Even as Alibaba focuses on managing its rapid growth, Mr. Ma will probably be watching the company’s biggest rival, Tencent. Though Alibaba’s smartphone applications attract hundreds of millions of users, Tencent’s WeChat messaging app dominates the time that people in China spend on their mobile phones.即便阿里巴巴把精力集中于在了管理很快快速增长上,马云依然可能会持续注目该公司仅次于的竞争对手腾讯(Tencent)。虽然阿里巴巴的智能手机应用于更有了数亿用户,但是从中国人用于手机的时间来看,腾讯的通讯工具微信仍然占有主导地位。

With social networking and chat features alongside an e-commerce platform run by China’s second-largest e-commerce company, JD.com, Tencent may be able to take sales that would otherwise have gone to Alibaba, analysts say.分析人士称之为,由于具备社交和聊天功能,并且有中国第二大电子商务企业京东运营的电子商务平台,腾讯也许可以分回头一些本不应流向阿里巴巴的销售额。Mr. Zhang said on Thursday that merchants who sell on Alibaba’s platforms were likely to spend more on mobile advertising down the line. Fifty-one percent of transactions on the company’s e-commerce sites now take place on smartphones.张勇在周四回应,在阿里巴巴的平台上销售商品的商家,未来可能会在移动广告上增大投放。目前,该公司电商网站上51%的交易再次发生在智能手机上。

The CLSA analyst Elinor Leung said that even if Alibaba did lose ground to competitors, she expected e-commerce sales and Alibaba’s revenue to continue to rise as more Chinese gain access to speedier smartphones.里昂证券(CLSA)的分析师梁向奕(Elinor Leung)回应,即便阿里巴巴的部分市场流向了竞争对手,她预计随着更加多中国人享有速度更慢的智能手机,电商销售和阿里巴巴的收益仍不会之后减少。”I don’t see the mobile transition as a hurdle, but it is a transition,” she said. “You have to promote the Taobao and Tmall applications and spend more money on advertising, and on big data to support targeted advertising.”“我不指出移动交易是一种障碍,它是一种变革,”她说道。“你得推展淘宝和天猫应用于,在广告及大数据上投更加多钱,从而构建更加有针对性的广告。”Some employees at Alibaba seemed pleased by the sudden announcement of Mr. Zhang’s ascension. Several posted messages on social media accounts welcoming the shift and proclaiming that young people could have great accomplishments.阿里巴巴的一些员工或许对忽然宣告张勇升迁感到高兴。

几名员工在社交媒体账户上发帖,对这一变动回应青睐,相提并论年轻人可能会获得重大成就。For his part, Mr. Ma welcomed the new chief executive with a joke about Mr. Zhang’s financial and accounting background.马云本人则用一个笑话,对绰号“逍遥子”的张勇回应了青睐。

那个笑话关于这位新任CEO的财务背景。”I am embarrassed that I used to say: ‘There’s nothing to fear but a C.F.O. pretending to be C.E.O.,’” Mr. Ma wrote, referring to a chief financial officer. “Alas, Daniel’s background was of a C.F.O., but he’s much much more.”“说来惭愧,我以前常常说道,‘天不怕地不怕,就害怕CFO做到CEO,’”马云写到,CFO所指的是首席财务官。




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